First Class and About Me

 My name is Jess Bansil and I'm currently a senior double major in Political Science and Speech and Communication Studies. At UT, I am a Spartan Ambassador (tour guide), a Judiciary Advisory Board member in student government, a member of UT Democrats, a member of the Delta Gamma Sorority, and a student in the honours program. I've lived in England, Canada, Ohio, New York, and my family just recently moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts. Outside of class, some of my hobbies including reading, going on walks, trying new foods, and watching documentaries. I've always found myself to be bad at math, so instead I enjoy classes surrounding history and english. For our first class, I had mixed emotions because I was sad we couldn't be in person. However, I live 2 miles away from campus with no car, so it saved me walking in at 7 in the morning. In class, we went over the syllabus and expectations for the upcoming semester. It sounds like a class I've never taken before, so I'm glad the honours program offered classes in an array of topics. Overall, I'm looking forward to this class and the knowledge I will learn about science fiction and its different themes in movies.


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