Matrix: Red or Blue Pill?

 During class today, we had a debate about The Matrix and whether we would've preferred to take the blue pill or red pill. We all concluded that a strong motif in this movie is free will, and the ability of humans to intrinsically trust each other to make the best decisions for our own being. My group was assigned the red pill, which I was glad about because that was the one I favored more throughout the movie. However, a lot of my classmates made strong arguments towards taking the blue pill, with an argument that stuck with me being "ignorance is bliss." My blue pill classmates made strong points that some people and their physical and mental being cannot handle the level of awareness and sense of danger that is associated with the red pill. They offered examples like high stress jobs in the medical field, like nurses and doctors. They stated that some people couldn't handle the mental and emotional stress that jobs like these put on the individual, with a specific example being the struggle of losing a patient. With the blue pill argument, the ability to have free will and choose your well being as the main priority talks to the theme of The Matrix and the double edged sword that comes with advanced technology and artificial intelligence. 

With the advancements in technology and the steps made in artificial intelligence, I stated in class that I believe the term 'ignorant' was a complete oxymoron to artificial intelligence. While I do concur that the phrase 'ignorance is bliss' is applicable to many larger conversations about free will and human choice, I believe that our advanced society and superior technology make ignorance a hard line to walk on. For example, the red pill side gave the example of Google, a search engine that makes information available equally for anyone with access to it. With devices and the help of websites like google, a human has never had more access to unlimited information at the click of a button. With this access comes the power of knowledge, and the red side made the argument that even though the knowledge that is presented might not make you happier, it at least makes you more aware and more capable to handle the events and actions that might go along with it. 

In conclusion, I think the debate demonstrated to me that there isn't one correct answer. In the sense of the Matrix, there were strong points made towards the favorability of the blue pill and the red pill. In the more metaphorical sense, relating it to current society, there is no right or wrong way to pursue your free will and prioritize your happiness. Listening to my classmates, they made points that were sound and logical, but I just did not agree with. I think that speaks to the helpfulness of the debate and the necessity of diversity of thought between humans. Even in the literal sense of medication and mental health today, it is up to every individual to decide for themselves what makes them feel happiest and most secure. While someone might choose no medication to be aware and unimpaired, others can choose to be medicated in order to receive the benefits it provides and allows for a more clearer outlook. Being a political science major, The Matrix made me think about technology and how its advancement has led to emerging issues in the political science field. For example, the 2016 US Presidential election was filled with rumors of hacking, foreign country interference, and misleading ads generated by bots. In the 2020 presidential election, there were doubts cast on the internal computer system that regulated, monitored, and counted the votes. As shown in real time, technology is heavily used and depended on, while simultaneously being heavily questioned and doubted. In this sense, I'm more inclined to say the red pill is still my preference, because I think knowledge is the strongest tool we have in our toolbox to educate ourselves and inform others. 

Notes taken in class during debate:

Cartesian method

1) Intro

2) Thesis --> red

3) Antithesis --> blue

4) Synthesis --> both positive and negative

5) Conclusion


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