Star Trek
After watching Stark Trek, it is evident how technology included and used throughout the movie can become tangible methods of democratization in politics today. Throughout this semester, we are supposed to relate the films we watch in class to the different movies, and it's always interesting to see how it applies to my Political Science major. As a political science major, a lot of the technology that was mentioned and used throughout of watching of Star Trek and the discussion that followed can attribute to my area of interest and career looking forward.
For example, Star Trek showed that technology can be mobilized, which helps show how voter mobilization efforts can become much easier and bring the technology to voters instead of bringing the voters to the technology. In Star Trek, hypospray variants were carried by doctors to inject medicines and sedatives instantly, without a needle. In the film, the hypospray variant is able to hold several different kinds of drugs and medication at once. This relates to political science to address the issue of vaccine disparity. As demonstrated by the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been unequal levels of vaccine distribution in different countries. With the ability to eliminate issues surrounding vaccines and making them easier to distribute, Star Trek shows how fictional movies inspire real life ideas that can help make a more fair and equitable society in current times.
My favourite part of the movie was any part with Chris Pines, because he is an incredible actor and easy on the eyes. I liked the relationship between Kirk and Uhara. I think Uhara challenged the cockiness of Kirk and she also helped bring out his intuitive leadership. I also liked that they kept Uhara as a woman of color, since that had been an important part of the original series and marked a changed in the racism of previous TV shows and media.
Star Trek demonstrated that technology didn’t have to be massive and in a single fixed location
Technology= voter mobilization
Technology provided more people with access to accurate information and details about different political candidates and their positions
The first technological way of voting was through the lever-operated ‘automatic booth’ voting machine, found to have more moving parts than an automobile, used until the 1980’s
86% of Americans get their news from their cell phone… Star Trek introduced the idea of hand-held devices that led to greater mass communication and allowed for tangible walls and borders to be nullified by the creation of a technology that allows for greater outreach to larger groups of people
Creator of the first mobile telephone, Martin Cooper, has credited Star Trek as inspiration in developing the phone
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